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Wendy Ortiz
I’m Wendy Ortiz. I’m an artist and a tattooist.
Quiet. Contemplative. In love… and obsessed with the theory that it takes 10,000 hours to master a craft. I am approximately at 1,000.
Gretchen Pearson
I love to do portrait work, but really I’m an artists at heart and love to practice all genres of art.
I paint people in awkward situations in elevators.
Mahi Abdul
Im an aspiring illustrator from maldives. i dream, i draw, laugh and get inspired everyday, with no exaggeration. :)
Colleen McGowan
Quirky, whimsical art illustrations! Mostly animals and people.
Alice Savage
I am a self taught artist, my main interest is to represent the inner self, its beauty and mystery, and I do it mainly with the use of female faces andvery long, flowing hair.
Flowers and all things fragile and beautiful inspire me.
I love to experiment with media, at the moment my favorite is ballpoint pen and watercolor; I am studying etching.
My Tumblr blog is the diary of my life with my sketchbooks.
For the finished works, my website ishttp://www.alicesavage.eu/
Trung Nguyen
I am a graphic narrative illustrator and a comic book artist working primarily with fine ink lines. My subject matter revolves around iconographic traditions of Golden Age illustrators such as Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac, and my work can be described as being the visual progeny of Harry Clarke’s drawings and Winsor McCay’s Sunday morning cartoon panels.
Formally, I am interested in exploring the relationships between lines. I maintain a uniform and arguably flattening line value throughout my work, but I am concerned with how a line creates depth and space depending on its relationship to other lines. The greater the number of lines, the more compellingly volumetric the space can potentially become.
My visual source of Golden Age Western illustration also informs my subject matter. I am particularly interested in unearthing the contemporary implications of fairy tales. My work explores how fairy tales are re-appropriated and consumed in today’s culture, and how those deeply gendered images affect the visual language we use to convey concepts of purity, depravity, love, sex, and heroism. The images I create feature elegant figures with surreally detailed masses of ink-contour hair cascading about sparingly outlined bodies.
By re-appropriating a visual language of fairy tales from popular books penned and illustrated over a century ago, I highlight the seemingly aged nature of fairy tale themes while concurrently reminding the viewer that we inherit the legacy of the traumas and triumphs of our iconographic past. I aim to ensnare that legacy within the confines of my dark ink contours.
Kay Chutaprutikorn
I’m a Singapore-based freelance digital illustrator. I’m mostly inspired by the sublime images in my dreams and reveries and the little people that populate my inner world.
Elisabeth Mercado
I love traditional art and that is what I’m currently exploring.